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Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:41 PM

i just wanna say sth abt human nature.

the vicious cycle.

the chain.

lets take rumour for eg. when there's a rumour untrue going on, who is the one in wrong. the starter? well, no. its nobody's fault, frankly.

you see. rumours are actually misunderstandings. am i right.

plus, everyone gets involved in rumours in one way or another. its human nature.

when you do sth tt makes ppl suspect you, tts whn rumours arise but issit the person who witnessed it's fault? well, you can also say its ur fault for not clarifying right.

so who's fault is it?

no one's.

now you knw.

i understood it all along but those mouths belongd to others. just let them say whatever they want, as long as you have a clear conscience? yes? no?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:15 PM

im like so touched aft watching the video of the guy giving free hugs.

its this. http://www.smh.com.au/news/music/freehug-man-speaks-out/2006/09/28/1159337257843.html

Today, the hugger was at it again, brandishing his "free hugs" sign in the busy pedestrian thoroughfare, and having quite a few people take him up on his offer.

"It's a way to make people smile," Mann said.

"For every person who gets a hug, you see five walk past with a smile on their face."

as i watched the video, ir eally got kinda touched cos its like, there are still ppl doing silly things for everyone else they dunno, just for the sake of a few more smiles. can we have one in sg too?

are you touched too?

Friday, September 29, 2006 8:18 PM

okay i knw its been very long and the only reason im posting here and not in my personal diary is becoz you knw of this blog. yes. well. the apology here may be a lil late, ok very late but it wasnt deliberate. well, just wanted to say sry once more but i knw it isnt really affecting you coz just like you to me, im but a passing breeze, a cooling one.

its so obvious you blked me. and i knw it. i can accept it tt you blked me and i dun blame you cos im the one in the wrong. but carn we just remain friends or norm. its like, i wun even disturb you or anything, is there a need for you to kip your distance frm me or even avoid me. i dont think so.

maybe you're just trying to forget the existence of this breeze here.

its been my fault from the start.

the beginning of the casual comment, " okay" was the beginning of the deep regret.

so think about it bah. dont easily say yes. dun easily say ok. esp if at the expense of other ppl's feelings or thoughts. dont agree if you are not certain. dun agree if you carn give your assurance and certainty. dont agree because its your only hope, your only chance, your getaway.

i remember i said before sth like : the best way to forget someone is to get onto someone else.

but well, tts the best way for you at the beginning. but definitely not the ultimate best way cos you'll lose sth. you'll lose a person. you'll regret. so well, i take back those words of mine.

the best way to forget someone. what is it.

the most definite nono answer is: time.

time definitely wont make you forget someone. someone who used to hold a strong position in your heart esp.

the best way to forget someone you love?

even if its someone you loved. you'll remember the person.

to stop loving the person?

i used to think that true love is forever nd tt true love existed. i wanted someone to show me whats tt. cos i nvr knew. why wasnt what i thought correct. why is it so. why is everything disappointing me. why is everything happening proving my ideology wrong. is it because everything lies on the surface? or issit we do not lk deep enough into things?

if you believe in forever love and you are confident of tt. you'll nvr stop loving the person. maybe love the person even more as time passes. for you, its absence makes the heart fonder, it will nvr be : out of sight, out of mind. you are ill-fated. if the person you truly love does not truly love you, you will stay all the way at the bottom of the well for a very long tym, forever. just because of you (dumb) forever love. but on the other hand, if you TINK and are VERY sure youll nvr stop loving the person, maybe time could be a factor in this case. as time passes, your love damn fades. why would it be so. issit tt you are not strong enough? or you are borned fickle minded like an ass ( sry if you are offended) well, there's no definite answers to the matters of the heart. just admit the whole truth when it comes to the hearty stuffs. dont pretend, dont hide. cos you will suffer. show it all out. you dun lose out. at least you will feel alot better. even if the person doesnt reciprocate, so what. you have your wildest fantasies and imagination to accompany you. you are blessed wif imagination. imagine. everything is in the mind.

but one thing for those really chi qing ppl (applies to mostly, girls. hey. im not sexist but thats what i see.)(not many chi qing ppl make up the population, you know): never pause your life because your love has stopped or sth. life has to go on. you can continue to love. but the clock hands still move no matter what happened to you love life. you have t continue moving too. dont stop living because of it. you can still wait if you want. but dont stop. dont stop loving. dont stop waiting. dont stop your life. because life is light, light is faith, faith is hope. life is hope. move on wif life and there will be hope, hope tt your loved one will love you.

ahh digressed a lot. thats all then.

but wait. i believe. i choose to believe in undying and forever love. the one example i want to see most would be my parents. please let me see them tgt forever. i will nvr want them to leave each other's side. she asked me who i would follow, i said, dont. if i carn have both, both wont have me either. if they ever choose to leave each other's side, i dun think i can take it, im not strong enough, i might take the path of no return, so dun. dun ever leave each other's side. or mention anything abt tt to me. cos just the mention of it, makes me tears. i teared on my way skl tdy. mommy, never leave daddy.

why is life so unpredictable. i want to be a happy kid wif a happy childhood. if you want me to be happy, dun ever do things tt will make me sad.

i knw you still love dad. dont give up the love. love can overcome anything so dont give up daddy. dont give up us.

cos i will nvr be able to choose between the two nd i can nvr be able to live without just one. i'd rather die.

i need someone now. i really do.

Saturday, September 09, 2006 7:44 PM

the greatest regret of my life till date is to not tell anyone the truth about you.

okaye. im faking. hoho. x)


do you believe in karma?

it exists. believe in it. =D

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 5:45 PM
the trend.

a post, finally.

taken frm my soulcast.com blog. here it goes.

THE TREND. =Dlets talk about the unusual trend in teens nowadays.in the past.maybe in your dad and mom's generation, how your dad woo-ed your mom was way different than how your boyfriend or suitor woo-ed you or maybe how you woo-ed a girl you were interested in. i bet you realised that too.in the past, the guy would most probably do some silly things like leaving notes on the girl's table, or maybe, writing love letters, doing all sort of things to attract the female's attention and when he gets it. he does things like buying roses, asking her out and then slowly asks her to be his girlfriend, face to face or maybe for the noober ones, over the phone. the "get the girl" process was a slow and sweet one. unlike the processes now. the trend now--- fast. quick. like yeah, get it done and over with. its like every guy is thinking " yeah. if you're not interested in me, why should i spend so much time just to ask you to be my steady"the new method which has now become a trend in younger teenagers ranging from 11 year olds to even up to 20++ year olds. this has become the official trend in our sunny island, singapore. its easy now. all you need to do is go online, find some girl next door or hot babe from friendster, add her online, chat with her for 10 mins or so, and get straight to the topic. maybe by starting frm, " i like you" and then 3 days ltr " can you be my girlfriend. i really like you" and if rejected, it doesnt matter, just move on to the next target. just what has the world come to. youngsters now treat love more and more like a game, and no one seems to really take it seriously anymore. could it be because of the easy going, lousy method of woo-ing girls, which is so easy now, that make people take the relationship for granted. afterall, it started off with the wrong motive and purpose. all judging by the looks.besides, for eg, now, you like a girl frm your class. all you do, is two clicks away frm the net. double click on the girl's user name and pop comes the conversation window. and then, you start talkin to her online and well, you never talked to her in real life before and then after some time you ask her to be your girlfriend. and even if she agreed, what will come out of the relationship without talkin in real life. how awkward will it be when you two go out tgt without talking. what kinda of relationship is that.this noticable trend is indeed turnin you world upside down. most probable due to the advanced technology.it made all of us, introvertedly extroverted.

Friday, September 01, 2006 11:27 AM

hi. im here to say im not blogging here anymore.

i'm gonna use the primitive method by writing down in a diary. =D

maybe when i fee like it, ill come back and blog abit. lol.

maybe if i trust you, i'll lend you my private diary. =D

Friday, August 25, 2006 6:20 PM

i found out what i needed.

not just one.

but three simple things.

hello. im faustina. aka holy cow. =p im 15 this year and i love slacking, sleeping, fantasizing and sleeping. i guess i sound more like a pig =p

food. family. friends.
niunai. jay. junjie. junyang. adriano. milubing. orlando bloom.

people disturbing my sleep =p
two timers. draggers. liars. blah.


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